saurus TShirt Designs - Wave 1
A passion project for me to take my design into a new field.
4 Weeks
The Mission
The mission for me was to design, create, and craft a set of graphic t-shirt designs that represent the saurus brand in a way that makes any fire fit pop that much more. This project was a passion project for me, as the fashion I witness across my many daily commutes and adventures interests me. Using my design prowess I set out to create the first line of clothing that I not only will design, but also have printed following my vision.
The Outcome
Through various styles created within this first wave of designs from the fun and cartoony “TROPICAL TOON” design to the graphic and inspiring “MOTIVATIONAL MINDSET” design as well as two styles featuring the brand name in two signature colors, these clothes are meant to break saurus into the world of fashion for the first time ever.
Value Delivered
The value from this project currently only serves to elevate my personal branding into another medium while getting myself comfortable with the process and not much else; as there are currently no plans to sell or distribute these on a large scale. They serve as a new learning exploration into a field that always interested me, while of course elevating my wardrobe with a brand new splash of style.
My Approach
This first wave of designs were meant to be simplistic and clean. I wanted them to follow a very “streetwear” approach and call back to common design trends found on the shelfs of stores like H & M and UNIQLO.I knew I wanted to feature a smaller element on the top left chest for the front, with a large scale graphic on most of the back. I also wanted to feature two simple versions that just incorporated one design on the center of the chest.
My Process
I began sketching 3 main ideas; one that would feature a very cartoony design approach, one that would replicate a neon sign, and another that would follow many design beats from acid design and brutalism. Each of the ideas was created separately and they all connect through my centralized brand but not so much through the designs themselves. As the design process continued and the designs developed into the final stages, I could not get the neon sign graphic to work in the way I wanted. I was happy with it—just not in love with it which is why I decided to scrap it. Don’t fret though; it’s coming with the next wave!In terms of the other two designs the process went smoothly as they began to take their new form and evolve to where I wanted them to be. Apart from the main focal point for each design, several supporting elements were added to really take the design to the next level and give them both an identity aside from the main elements.
Closing Thoughts
One element I know I wanted to try with this project was taking professional photos of the clothing within a closed environment. By a strike of luck I gained access to professional photography gear which allowed me to partake in a photo shoot showcasing all the designs within the real world; no mockups needed! Shoutout to my twin brother Alex for letting me use all of the gear and my girlfriend Sherri for being an amazing model alongside Alex. Reach out to both of them on Twitter @ikonik_ex and @shericheryx respectively and show them some love; tell them Ryan sent you.